Getting rid of tolerances, and creating a lifetime of happiness

Spring is coming! When I think about the tiny crocuses buried beneath the last inch of snow and ice, pointing their new, green tips towards the warmth of the sun, I am reminded of the cyclical nature of ‘new beginnings’. And I remember that sometimes there is so much growth around me that I just can’t see.

Perhaps this is what a miracle is – the birth of something so amazing and whole, that when it materializes out of nothingness we realize deep within our hearts that it must have been there all along.

Are you tolerating a cluttered kitchen, boring career, tumultuous love life? Or perhaps you are caught in that post holidays, downward financial spiral that rectifies itself next October, just 2 months before you start holiday shopping again? Let’s face it. These tolerances are crazy-making! They create blocks that hold us back. They rob us of joy, security, and ‘everything-is-right-in-my-worldness’. Life is a collection of moments – some great, some challenging. Getting rid of today’s tolerations will set you up for a lifetime of burden-free moments, and ramp up your overall happiness quotient. Here are some tips for getting rid of tolerances, and creating a lifetime of happiness – one moment at a time.

  1. Stop needing to be right. Of course, we know that you ARE right – but being right is not the same as being happy. And being happy is not predicated on being right. If this were the case then idiots would be miserable, and ignorance would not be bliss.
  2. Create a list of small things that are driving you crazy in your life today. Tackle 1 thing each week. Clean the closet, sort those socks, get your car serviced so you at least know why the engine light has been on for 3 months. You will experience an immediate feeling of lightness even doing just 1 a week.
  3. Hire someone to do the things you hate the most. Students are always looking for short term jobs that can be completed in a few hours. Try calling a college or university employment centre near you and get someone fast. No money for help? Find a friend who will help in exchange for helping them with ridding their lives of something they tolerate.
  4. Scale down your life. Having, doing, or being too much creates annoyances that must then be tolerated. Purge, purge, purge and learn to say ‘no thanks’.
  5. Decide to drop the baggage and move on. This can be tricky because sometimes we really like our baggage. Like it or not, you can move faster and farther without the crap. And if you find you need it later, well you can always go back and get it.
  6. Make your life a toleration-free zone by being honest about what is important to you. Put your values at the centre of your life. If something feels like a compromise, it is! Consider what you must give up when you are caught in the midst of constant compromise. Is it worth it?

I hope your spring feels miraculous.

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